Some Economic, Social and Environmental Consequences of the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Geographical Perspective

  • Attila Kerényi Debreceni Egyetem, Tájvédelmi és Környezetföldrajzi Tanszék
  • Andrea McIntosh-Buday University of Debrecen
Keywords: spread of pandemic, aviation, poverty, underdeveloped education, air pollution, climate protection, urban environment, green economy


Based on the specifics of the coronavirus epidemics (SARS, MERS) that preceded the COVID-19 pandemic, our study presents the causes and geographical pathways of the spread of the diseases. The global interconnectedness of human societies led almost necessarily to the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic. We describe the routes of the global spread of the pandemic, including the role of aviation, and then examine the causes of the infection waves of the pandemic, and the methods of effective control. Regarding the effects of the pandemic on the global economy, we found that rich countries recovered from the crisis relatively quickly, while the suffering of the economies of poor countries was prolonged. Among the social impacts, we consider the widening gap between rich and poor and the educational backwardness of poor children to be serious. The beneficial environmental impact of the pandemic was only temporary. In order to avoid another pandemic changes to the urban environment and also in the society are necessary. The imagined green transformation of the world economy has not materialised, nor has the fight against global climate change become more effective.
