Gis-Based Connectivity Analysis From the Perspective of E-Mobilityon Hungarian Motorways– Current Status and Possible Developments

  • Soha Tamás ELTE TTK Környezet- és Tájföldrajzi Tanszék, Budapest
  • Németh Izabella KTI Közlekedésfejlesztési Kutatóközpont Hálózattervezési Osztály, Budapest
  • Munkácsy Béla ELTE TTK Környezet- és Tájföldrajzi Tanszék, Budapest
Keywords: battery electric vehicles, quick charging, spatial optimisation, connectivity, Hungary


In the context of this research, two aspects, namely coverage and linear availability, have been examined for the possibility of quick charging of battery-powered electric vehicles in Hungary, focusing on national connectivity. It has been shown that the density of quick chargers is uneven; that is, they are present in the inner cities at a higher rate than along motorways for long-distance transport. The study carried out comparative analyses based on two previously published concepts (E.ON–MOL and BME KKT) and a dedicated methodology (ELTE KTF) using the potential charging sites outlined therein. Modelling has shown that the electric car charging possibilities available along the highways are limited. The investigation suggests that the strategic objective should not be to establish a charging network for national connectivity, since only 5%of the charging stations are currently located in the immediate vicinity of motorways and only half of which are quick chargers.
