Research on the Supply Side of LGBTQ Tourism among Hungarian University Students

  • Szabó Balázs Attila PTE TTK Földtudományok Doktori Iskola, Pécs
Keywords: gaytourism, gaystudies, LGBT, gaygeography, LGBT tourism, pinktourism


The following research aims to focus on the local touristic offerings for LGBTQ tourists in Hungary. The degree of social acceptance, the analysis of tourism infrastructure, and supra structure—including the issue of security—will be the main focal points. Furthermore, different results of previous studies on the issue of social acceptance will support the present investigation. The conducted survey about LGBTQ-tourism was submitted predominantly to a straight audience. The questions intended to be answered are: What is the connection between marketing strategies of LGBTQ tourism in Hungary and the general attitude of citizens with university qualification towards homosexuals? Why did Budapest not develop into a typical LGBTQ destination like other European capital cities such as Madrid or Berlin? In this sense a touristic perspective is being added to existing investigations about the general social acceptance of LGBTQ people. Overall, the reader gains insight into the present situation in 2020 concerning LGBTQ-tourism and its supply side elements. A list of influencing factors such as politics, state involvement, marketing strategies and social attitudes are analyzed. A possible forecast is represented concerning future developments of LGBTQ-tourism in Hungary.
