Spatial and Temporal Changes in The Concept of `National Park´

  • Margit Kőszegi ELTE, TTK, Földrajz- és Földtudományi Intézet, Budapest
  • Zsolt Bottlik ELTE, TTK, Földrajz- és Földtudományi Intézet, Budapest
  • Tamás Telbisz ELTE, TTK, FFI, Természetföldrajzi Tanszék, Budapest
  • László Mari ELTE, TTK, FFI, Természetföldrajzi Tanszék, Budapest
Keywords: national park, Yellowstone model, conservation, preservation, state control, protection, presentation


Our study presents the changes in the concept of the national park in space and time to the Hungarian readership. It does this because both the role of national parks in recreational activities in Hungary has been evaluated in recent decades, and because of the change in the way we think about the environment around us and the frameworks created to protect nature.

In our writing, we present the appearance and practical implementation of the idea of the national park in the United States and then follow the expansion and internationalisation of the Yellowstone model in the world. We reveal the different social phenomena and responses in the background of this concept, the changes that can be interpreted as the effects of the changes through modernisation. Our study serves as an introduction to our research, which discusses the situation of domestic national parks in an international context.
