Hungarian Economic Centres and the Willingness of Mobility in the Light of Business Location

  • Koltai Zoltán PTE, KPVK, Vidékfejlesztési Tanszék, Pécs
Keywords: successfulness, aspects of business location, mobility, economic centre


We developed a layered questionnaire survey in 2004-2005 and received replies from one thousand entrepreneurs and business leaders to our questions relating to the successfulness of Hungarian towns and cities. In the light of the results, we repeated our survey in 2016-2017, thereby allowing a comprehensive evaluation of a period of ten years. In the second phase of data recording we used the method of a layered questionnaire survey again (the three aspects considered were as follows: a breakdown of the Hungarian businesses by regions, company size, and sectors), in which one thousand entrepreneurs and business managers again responded to our questions. What aspects do Hungarian businesses prefer when choosing their business location? Which Hungarian cities are considered competitive by company leaders and why? Which are the cities that the stakeholders see as real economic centres? What willingness of mobility within Hungary and abroad is typical for the Hungarian businesses?
