An Examination of Migrant Intentions Amongst High School and Post-Secondary Students

  • Eszter Mikó SOE Széchenyi István Gazdálkodás- és Szervezéstudományok Doktori Iskola, Sopron
Keywords: emigration, remittance, international migration


Migration has been a characteristic of humankind throughout history. Though the intensity of this phenomenon has varied, migration became important and very significant in recent decades not only in Europe and in other parts of the world in general, but also in Hungary specifically. According to certain estimates, between 400,000 and 500,000 Hungarians live abroad today. Perhaps not surprisingly, expected future developments with respect to migration from Hungary and the consequences of this process are interesting issues. The research presented in this paper has a double purpose: on one hand to define the potential emigrants in different age groups (secondary school students and higher education students), and on the other hand to explore what impact and what consequences emigration will have, especially in regards to education costs. In spite of the fact that this out-migration may have serious socioeconomic consequences if education and other costs that are invested into the qualified emigrants are “exploited” in other countries, very little research has been dedicated to this issue. Drawing on empirical research, the paper shows that a significant number of the participants participating in the empirical research plan to go abroad to work for a longer or shorter period, possibly permanently. Permanent emigration would cause financial losses for Hungary, in part due to the partial refunding or non-refunding of education costs, and also through lost tax revenues and other contributions.
