Legal instruments of financial support for low-carbon energy in the legal system of Poland

  • Bartosz Rakoczy Faculty of Law and Administration, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland
Keywords: low-carbon energy, energy policy, climate change, environmental protection law, legal instruments


In Polish law, legal instruments for financial support for low-carbon energy can be described and evaluated according to certain general criteria. First, it should be noted that low-carbon energy is not a self-contained goal of financial support. However, it can be concluded that Polish law provides for such a value protected by law, and consequently, it is eligible for financing. Furthermore, legal instruments of financial support for low-carbon energy take the form of both public and non-public funds. Moreover, these instruments are characteristics of both public and private law. However, the predominant legal instrument providing such support is a contract, although sometimes it is deeply rooted in public law. Alternatively it should be noted that the practical uses of instruments of financial support for low-carbon energy are complicated. This requires elaborate applications with numerous attachments, including documents and declarations. In addition, the process of granting such funds lasts a long time and is preceded by audits. Consequently, the instruments were not used to their fullest extent.


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