About the Journal

For the preservation of the Hungarian race, its social welfare and successful future, the only path is through outstanding education and research…

The leadership of the University of Theatre and Film Arts, in harmony with the goals set down in its founding document in the course of the university system’s restructuring, is committed to raising interest in the institution’s students, instructors and researchers by achieving and promoting results, both artistic and scholarly, that showcase the values of universal and natural culture. With the establishment of the peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal Urania, released each semester and made readily available, the time has come for our colleagues to make their artistic and scholastic statements public on their own published platform – as it is done at similar universities. The goal of the journal is to fill a central role in bringing to light research and publications that integrate theatre, film and media studies within the country and internationally.

As we wish to provide a forum for the authors, our paramount goal is to strengthen, in our country’s scholarly community, the existence of a dialogue in scholarly and artistic areas that defines our national culture. Moreover, by these means, we wish to offer our readers alternatives to prejudices and ingrained ideas related to these themes.

The journal's hungarian version available: Uránia Interdiszciplináris Folyóirat (mtak.hu)