Guide for Authors


The Guide for Authors can be downloaded in pdf from here.

The journal publishes original articles written with scientific rigour, related to nature conservation, in Hungarian or English language, in one volume per year. Strictly technical, industrial, legal or philosophical discussions are excluded. The Editor may reject or return for revision manuscripts which do not meet formal or substantive requirements. To ensure scientific excellence, manuscripts meeting the minimum standards will be reviewed by two independent Peer Reviewers according to a set of criteria. The peer review process is anonymous to the Authors unless the Reviewer declares their identity. Authors receive the reviews and (if available) the proofread manuscript. With taking the reviews into account, the Editor decides whether to accept/reject/return the manuscript to the Authors for minor or major revisions. If corrections are requested, the Authors resubmit the revised manuscript to the Editor, who (possibly after again consulting the Reviewers) may decide to accept/reject the manuscript or request further corrections. After acceptance, the edited and linguistically checked manuscript is sent to the Authors for approval before publication.

The journal invites manuscripts in four sections:

  • Scientific Research
  • Social Sciences in Conservation
  • Lessons in Conservation Practice
  • Reviews on Books and Digital Materials. (Articles in this section will not be peer-reviewed.)

Please read the section descriptions on the website carefully and submit your manuscript to the section that best fits your topic. Specific instructions for each section are provided at the end of this guide. Please take these into account when preparing your manuscript.

Submission of the manuscripts

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically to the following email address: Please respect the deadline published on the journal's website. Please note that the Editorial Board can only accept articles in the proper form and suitable content. Manuscripts that do not fit the profile of the journal will be rejected immediately by the Editors.

By submitting a manuscript, Authors acknowledge that the submitted manuscript (and included graphs, figures, tables, illustrations, data) is their own original work that has not been published before and that the submitted manuscript has not been submitted to any other journals. Authors should be aware that if the content detailed above has been published or submitted elsewhere, the journal shall not accept their manuscript.

To prepare manuscripts in Hungarian, please use the Hungarian Guide!

Structuring the manuscript

The following basic structure is recommended for each manuscript:


Authors' names,

Authors' affiliation and postal address (with a separate indication of the e-mail address of the Corresponding Author),

Proposed text of the live head (no longer than 50 characters, including spaces),

Abstract (max. 10 lines, without bibliographical references),

Keywords (max 8, in alphabetical order),

Introduction (objectives of the work, topic justification, background, etc.),

Materials and methods (description of the study area, materials used, applied methods, etc.),

Results (brief, concise description of the obtained results),

Discussion (comparison of the results with the literature, their evaluation and explanation),



List of appendices (if any) (see for instructions on how to prepare an appendix at the end of this document),

Tables with their titles (each submitted as a separate page + separate Excel file),

Figure captions,

Figures (each on a separate page + submitted as a separate file).

Formatting requirements

The length of the manuscript should not exceed 20,000 characters (approximately 10 normal manuscript pages). Format to be used: Times New Roman font, 12 point font size, single line spacing, 2.5 cm margins.

Do not insert spaces or tabs before a paragraph, but use the indent command in the text editor.

Please insert continuous line numbers through the whole text, this will make it easier for the reviewers to refer to each line.

For animal and plant names, please include the Latin name of the species, descriptor and year of description in the first mention in the main text. The descriptor and the year of the description should be given in standard font, with a comma after the descriptor name (e.g., 'Aquila heliaca Savigny, 1809'). As recommended by the ICZN, Latin names of genus and subcategories should be written in italics. The names of "superspecies", "subspecies", "forma", etc., should be in normal type (e.g., Columba livia forma domestica). In subsequent references, the Hungarian name is sufficient.

Please do not use bold highlighting in the text.

Subheadings within main chapters should be in italics.

Citations in the text

Cross-references are used as in the examples below:

For one author: (Sulyok 2011)

For two authors: (Bridson and Forman 1992)

For more than two authors: (Pécsi et al. 1958).

Give several consecutive references in chronological order and alphabetical order as follows: (Pécsi et al. 1958, Bridson and Forman 1992, Horváth et al. 1992). In the case of two different references from by the same author in the same year, use the distinction 'a', 'b' after the year.

Web references should be cited in the text as (http1) while legislations should be referred to as (13/2001 (V.9.) KÖM).

Reference format

When formatting the reference list, use a 1.25 cm vertical indent. Please write the full title of the journals. If available, please also include the DOI number in the format In the case of multiple-author articles, please write all authors.



‘Norrbom, A. L., Kim, K. C. (1985): Taxonomy and phylogenetic relationships of Copromyza Fallén (s. s.) (Diptera: Sphaeroceridae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 78: 331–347.


‘Bridson, D., Forman, L. (eds.) (1992): The herbariumhandbook. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 303 p.’

Book chapters:

‘Zólyomi, B. (1958): Budapest környékének természetes növénytakarója. In: Pécsi, M., Marosi, S.,  Szilárd, J. (eds.): Budapest természeti képe. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, pp. 511–642.’

Web references, legislation:

Please list them separately after the reference list, in the following format:

Online resources:


‘Referenced legislation:

13/2001. (V. 9.) KÖM rendelet a védett és fokozottan védett növény- és állatfajokról, a fokozottan védett barlangok köréről, valamint az Európai Közösségben természetvédelmi szempontból jelentős növény- és állatfajok közzétételéről’

No other formatting should be used in the reference list beyond the above. Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa).

Figures, tables, illustrations

Only good quality line drawings (dendrograms, diagrams, formulas, maps, etc.) or photographs with clearly legible symbols of a legible size and contrast are acceptable for publication. The total amount of illustrations should not exceed 50 % of the length of the paper.

Avoid using raster fill patterns in the figures, instead use different hatching patterns if necessary. Also avoid using simple pie, circle and bar charts, which can be replaced by tables with identical contents.

Two-dimensional diagrams are not accepted presented as three-dimensional figures. Avoid the use of text and explanations inserted in the figures, use symbols instead, with explanations in the caption. Figures should be without frames.

The size or proportion of the figures and photographs should be adapted to the page size (12.6 cm × 18 cm). Please list the captions separately at the end of the paper, before the figures.

Figures should be submitted as separate files, line drawings (e.g., R drawings) in vector graphics format (preferably as EPS files), photographs in raster format (preferably as TIF files). If this is a problem, please send the original, unconverted file (Power Point, Excel, etc.).

Also for tables, take into account the page size (12.6 cm × 18 cm), avoid tables that are too wide (too many columns). Avoid using spaces to format tables. Tables should be placed at the end of the manuscript, not inserted into the text.

Specific requirements for each section

Scientific Research

We recommend that, after a scientific discussion of the results, the discussion should also include practical conservation and management recommendations, even if these are only indirectly derived from the results.

Social Sciences in Conservation

Manuscripts in this section may be longer than 20 000 characters if justified by the content.

Lessons in Conservation Practice

The manuscripts included in the section are not expected to meet all the requirements of scientific research (standardised experimental conditions, sufficient number of replicates, statistical evaluation, etc.); simple descriptive case studies are also accepted. However, professionalism, logical reasoning, clear formulation and the drawing of realistic conclusions from the results are required here as well.

Reviews on Books and Digital Materials

Articles in this section do not have to follow the structure of articles presenting scientific research (introduction, material and methods, results, discussion). In this case, the title should be followed by a bibliographic description of the book or other publication presented (author/editor, full title, year of publication, name of publisher, volume, ISBN or ISSN number). If a publication is not publicly available, please also indicate the source of availability. In the case of electronic materials (websites, software), please indicate the type of material and its internet address. The bibliographical data should be followed by the text of the article, and, at the end of the article, the name, institution and e-mail address of the Author. A photograph of the book may be attached as an illustration.

Guide to the preparation of the Appendix

The appendix is an integral part of the article and must be submitted together with it. The appendix will be proofread alongside the article, but the article must be comprehensible on its own. The appendix provides an opportunity for readers to have access to:

- larger tables of relevant data, e.g. occurrence data, species lists;

- maps, aerial photographs;

- colour photographs, e.g., of habitats;

- simulation source codes, scripts, programs.

Only data that are essential to the article will be accepted. The appendix is not a data repository but it helps the reader understand and support the details of the article.

The appearance of the Appendix in the article

The Appendix should be referred to in the text (e.g., "Appendix 1", or "Appendix 1. Figure 1", etc.), as the figures and the tables.

Reference should also be made at the very end of the manuscript, as follows:


The Appendices to this article are available on the journal's website.

Appendix 1: ... please enter the title of the appendix here

Appendix 2: ... please enter the title of the appendix here’

Preparation of the Appendix

The appendix should be a single file, preferably in pdf, or other commonly used formats (Excel, Word). Name: author_name_Appendix

Start as follows:

’Appendix/Appendices to the article... (Természetvédelmi Közlemények, issue xx, year).

            Appendix 1:... please enter the title of the appendix here

            Appendix 2: ... please enter the title of the appendix here’

Please note that the Appendix will not be paginated, so it is the responsibility of the Author to ensure that it is placed on the website in a clear and readable form.

It is important that:

  • the table and figure captions should be informative,
  • the data are presented accurately and it is clear what they refer to,
  • the appendix should also be appropriate in terms of language and linguistic correctness,
  • be in line with the formal requirements of the journal (e.g., in the case of the reference list).

Of course, it also applies to the appendices that the Author publishes his/her own material or is the legal owner of the material to be published.

Copyright and Licensing Policy

Author(s) retain the copyright and full publishing rights without restrictions. The Author(s) give the Publisher the right of first publication in the Journal.

Articles of the 'Természetvédelmi Közlemények' are published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0). Based on this license, the users have right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link the materials published on the Site. Moreover, it lets others remix, tweak, and build upon the published materials. The new works must refer to the original source and be non-commercial but they don’t have to license their derivative work(s) on the same terms.