Target areas for green infrastructure development in Hungary

  • Katalin Török Centre for Ecological Research, Institute of Ecology and Botany
  • Mónika Csőszi Lechner Knowledge Centre
  • Vilja Vaszócsik Lechner Knowledge Centre
  • Krisztián Schneller Lechner Knowledge Centre
  • Mónika Teleki Lechner Knowledge Centre
  • László Kollányi Ormos Imre Charitable Trust
  • Ákos Keszthelyi Ormos Imre Charitable Trust
  • Klaudia Máté Ormos Imre Charitable Trust
  • Anikó Csecserits Centre for Ecological Research, Institute of Ecology and Botany
  • Melinda Halassy Centre for Ecological Research, Institute of Ecology and Botany
  • Miklós Kertész Centre for Ecological Research, Institute of Ecology and Botany
  • Katalin Szitár Centre for Ecological Research, Institute of Ecology and Botany
Keywords: connectivity, decision support, EU Biodiversity Strategy, ecological state, ecosystem service, land use, multifunctionality, multiple potential natural vegetation model


To reverse the decline of biodiversity, natural capital has to be improved. The EU Biodiversity Strategy seeks to achieve this by green infrastructure development. The identification and assessment of national green infrastructure elements and proposals for their development have three main aspects: ecological state, ecosystem services and connectivity. Our study developed a unified evaluation system of the mapped ecosystem types that resulted in the delineation of areas for conservation or potential improvement, with or without ecosystem type change. The areas for potential green infrastructure development cover a substantial part of the country (88%). The areas fit for improvement are further prioritized by the use of different drivers of conflict. The identification of the suitable ecosystem types to be restored was carried out with the help of the multiple potential vegetation model. The results are suitable for application in practical nature conservation and land use planning.


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Social Sciences in Conservation