The role of Natura 2000 sites in nature conservation in an agricultural landscape shown in the Turai-gyep lawn near Lőkösháza (SE Hungary)

  • László Bozó Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Systematic Zoology and Ecology; South Békés Nature Conservation Society
  • János Rozgonyi South Békés Nature Conservation Society
  • András István Csathó Independent Researcher
Keywords: habitat fragments, agricultural fields, waterbirds, salines, Csanádi-hát region, Gortyna borelii lunata


In the southern part of Békés County (Hungary), the proportion of agricultural areas is close to 90% of the total area, while the habitats of high conservation value are isolated in small fragments. In this paper, we present ornithological, botanical and entomological data from this geographical region, the Turai-gyep grassland Natura 2000 site near Lőkösháza, from 2010 to 2020. During the fieldwork, a total of 170 bird species were detected in the area, 57 of which regularly or occasionally bred on the study site. There are many protected and highly protected species among the breeders that do not breed in other parts of the region. The occurrence of protected, otherwise rare species in the landscape has also been detected during botanical data collection, and at the same time, the presence of a highly protected insect species (Fisher’s estuarine moth – Gortyna borelii lunata) also indicates the importance of the area. Comparing our findings with data from other Natura 2000 sites in the region, it is clear that the remaining natural habitats are of key importance to maintain the biodiversity of the area, and their disappearance would probably lead to the local extinction of several species.


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