Above-ground activity of blind mole rats – New challenges for blind mole rat protection in Hungary
Living underground protects blind mole rats from most of the predators and unfavourable climate conditions. However, more and more observations of aboveground activity of these subterranean rodents are made in Hungary as well. Several reasons for such behaviour can be found in the literature. At the same time, individuals on the surface are exposed to numerous threats and can easily fall prey to surface predators. We present all the data available from the last three decades about the aboveground activity of blind mole rats from the Carpathian Basin. Based on these, they are most often above-ground in early summer, with typically young specimens venturing to the surface. However, blind mole rats in Hungary are directly threatened by extinction, and in the case of such an animal, even the death of a single individual is an irreparable loss. At the same time, by collecting these aboveground individuals, it may be possible to establish new populations in suitable protected areas. By discussing the hazards and opportunities, we make recommendations for the treatment of specimens found on the surface that could contribute to the more effective protection of these highly threatened rodents.
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