Recommendations for a unified monitoring system of Blind mole rat populations in Hungary

  • Orsolya Moldován Hortobágy National Park Directorate; University of Debrecen, Department of Nature Conservation, Zoology and Game Management
  • Viktor Schneider Kiskunság National Park Directorate
  • László Szél Hortobágy National Park Directorate
  • Attila Németh University of Debrecen, Department of Nature Conservation, Zoology and Game Management; BirdLife Hungary – Hungarian Ornithological and Nature Conservation Society
Keywords: Nannospalax (superspecies leucodon), population survey, estimation methods for the number of individuals, monitoring, methodology, habitat characteristics


Blind mole rats are among the most endangered mammals in Hungary. Due to their exclusively subterranean lifestyle, determining the number of individuals in a habitat, and monitoring the changes of the number of individuals in a population are very difficult. However, it is essential to get reliable data about their population numbers. Since the 1980’s, a number of initiatives have been takento develop methodologies for monitoring these rodents. In our paper, we review the methods used in Hungarian nature conservation practice. Based on the practical experience gained on the field in recent years, we discuss the difficulties of monitoring, such as the identification of blind mole rat mounds, problems caused by the pedological diversity of different habitats, or difficulties in choosing the right time of monitoring. Recommendations are formulated for the development of a unified monitoring protocol that can be used in any blind mole rat habitat in the Carpathian Basin.


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Lessons in Conservation Practice