Orthoptera assemblages of the xerotherm grasslands of the Villány Hills (South Hungary)

  • Antal Nagy Department of Zoology, University of Debrecen Evolutionary Genetics and Conservation Biology Research Group, Hungarian Academy of Science
Keywords: Orthoptera assemblages, conservation, Villány Hills


The Orthoptera fauna of the Villány Hills has been being investigated since the 50s. Regular studies have been made since 1997. Up to the present 44 Orthoptera species (21 Ensifera and 23 Caelifera) have been found in the hills. This fauna is characterised by high ratio (68-78%) of the southern (e.g. Mediterranean, Ponto-Mediterranean) elements, because o f the strong sub-Mediterranean effect on this region. In the different habitats there are two types of Orthoptera assemblages. The closed grasslands are characterised by the high dominance of Stenobothrus lineatus and Pezotettix giomae. In the open habitats Calliptamus italicus and Oedipoda caerulescens were the most dominant species. Some of the seminatural habitats were already destroyed and the Orthoptera assemblages are endangered by different habitat disturbances (mining, surface-fire, agriculture, vineyards).


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