Study of habitat preference and stands of Isophya costata Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1878 in contacting grasses (Káli Basin, Sásdi meadow, Hungary)

  • Zoltán Kenyeres Independent researcher
  • Norbert Bauer Independent researcher
  • Gergely Szövényi ELTE
Keywords: Isophya costata, habitat-preference, mesophilous plant taxa, microclimate, postglacial steppe relict


The publication contains a critical overview of the recent results obtained in relation to the habitat preference of Isophya costata by the statistical examinations performed on the different sized stands of the species living in contacting grasses. This species represents an outstanding nature conservational value and is characterised with stands of small number of individuals and disjunct areas. The size of the Isophya costata stands showed positive correlation with the overall cover of mesophilous dicotyledonous plant species. Contrary to other Orthopteran assemblages the presence of the species depends primarily not on the microclimate, but on the presence of mesophilous plant species constituting the food source. According to our case study the main habitat of the species is a hayfield meadow rich in mesophilous dicotyledonous species, but the animals also can get with penetration-like migration to other grasses fulfilling the food demand of the animal. In these grasses itforms subpopulations, and the size of these populations depends on the availability of food source. When the mesophilous grasses, providing optimal circumstances, disappear these stands, consisting of few individuals, may survive, and hence occur in steppe grasses, fens or weedy vegetation.


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