Chances of the survival of grasslands on dolomite under anthropogenic impacts

  • Szilvia Süle Department of Landscape Ecology, Institute of Environmental Management, Szent István University; Department of Nature Protection, Institute of Environmental Management, Szent István University
  • Károly Penksza Department of Landscape Ecology, Institute of Environmental Management, Szent István University
  • Gábor Turcsányi Department of Nature Protection, Institute of Environmental Management, Szent István University
  • András Sümegi Faculty of Science, Eötvös Loránd University
Keywords: anthropogenic impact, Chrysopogono-Caricetum humilis community, grazing, military activity, Stipo eriocauli-Festucetum pallenstis community


The phytosociological composition of two grasslands on dolomites under different anthropogenic impacts, such as grazing, trampling and artillery use, were investigated within 2 m x 2 m sampling quadrates. As relatively unaffected areas were also available, the samples were compared on the basis of their ecological indicator values, coenotaxa, as well as nature conservation values. Of the two investigated communities the Chrysopogono-Caricetum humilis community was much more degraded under the influence of grazing, than the Stipo eriocauli-Festucetum pallenstis community. A great part of the investigated artillery range is covered by the Stipo eriocauli-Festucetum pallenstis community, in which only patches of the size of some square metres are degraded.


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