Zoopedagogical and environmental education in order to protect endangered and highly endangered species in the Zoological and Botanical Garden of Jászberény

  • Zoltán Orbán Zoological and Botanical Garden of Jászberény
  • Péter Fercsik Zoological and Botanical Garden of Jászberény
  • Tamás Sárközy Zoological and Botanical Garden of Jászberény
Keywords: enrichment of the environment, environmental education, group guidance, information, protection of the nature, spectacular feeding, sustainability, zoopedagogy


In 2001 we started an experience- and demonstration-centred experimental zoopedagogical programme in the Jászberény Zoo, introducing more than 100 endangered and highly endangered species of animals. The environmental education of the visitors is built on this demonstration. The basis for this are lectures and activities provided as free service by the zoo. During the programme the number of visitors has increased with 39.5% (from 43,000 to 60,000), the number of guided groups from 50 to 240, the number of people attending the activities from 2374 to 8500. In 2001 4.7% of the visitors, while in 2002 14.1% of the visitors took part in the zoopedagogical activities. Our results support the fact that zoo visitors can be made interested in the experience-oriented environmental education. Consequently the Hungarian zoos with their yearly 3,000,000 visitors can become the main co-institutes of the environmental education and so the most important co-institutes of nature and environment protection.


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