Genetic aspects of the conservation of threatened species and populations, with special regard to forest trees

  • Csaba Mátyás Institute of Environmental Sciences, University of West Hungary
Keywords: genetic resources, conservation genetics, genetic pattern, genetic diversity, adaptive potential, minimum viable population size, forest trees


The selection and management of threatened populations assume some knowledge of the within-species genetic variation conditions. Conservation of the habitat, as well as of a sufficient number of individuals does not warrant automatically the survival of a population. Extinction may be triggered by disturbances in the mating process, by the discontinuation of biotic interactions between species (e.g. disappearance of pollinating vectors), and erosion of genetic resources. The consideration of genetic aspects is further emphasised by the fact that the within-species (geographic) pattern of genetic diversity should be preserved on the basis of arguments that are identical with those concerning preservation of species diversity. Minimum viable population (MVP) size is a crucial parameter when planning strategy of conservation. However MVP numbers cannot be determined schematically because they depend strongly on the genetic system of the species, on demographic and environmental conditions and their fluctuation.


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