The status of the South-Borsod Floodplain from the viewpoint of local people and ecologists. An interdisciplinaiy research on traditional ecological knowledge (TEK)

  • Barbara Mihók Department of Plant Taxonomy and Ecology, ELTE
  • Zsolt Erős-Honti Department of Plant Anatomy, Eötvös Loránd University
  • László Gálhidy Production Biology Research Group, Forest Research Institute
  • Györgyi Bela Institute of Environmental and Landscape Management Department of Environmental Economics, Szent István University
  • Eszter Illyés Institute of Ecology and Botany, HAS
  • Flóra Tinya Department of Plant Taxonomy and Ecology, ELTE
  • Julianna Erős-Honti Department of Plant Taxonomy and Ecology, ELTE
  • Ákos Molnár department of Systematic Zoology and Ecology, Eötvös Loránd University
  • Rebeka Szabó Institute of Ecology and Botany, HAS
Keywords: conservation, degradation, land-use, discursion analysis, South-Borsod Floodplain, ecological knowledge


The utilization of the traditional ecological knowledge can be an important tool in supporting conservational efforts. Our objective was to look for the elements of the traditional ecological knowledge in the villages of the Borsod-floodplain in north-east Hungary, and to analyze their relationships with the scientific ecological knowledge. 85 interviews made up with local people were processed. As a result we found that elements of traditional ecological knowledge still can be identified and they can support the scientific knowledge especially in the evaluation of the degradation processes.


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