Conservation evaluation of the species Bulbocodium versicolor in Serbia

  • Klára Szabados Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia, Department in Novi Sad
  • Ottó Szekeres Palic-Ludas Public Enterprise
  • Bence Mikes Palic-Ludas Public Enterprise
Keywords: Bulbocodium versicolor, fragmentation, landscape history, threatening factors, conservation strategy


The biggest part of the Bulbocodium versicolor population of the Danube—Tisa interfuvial area is scattered along the Stream Kőrös in Serbia, near the state border. Whereas the number of the individuals refer to viable population, the total area of habitat fragments occupied by the species is less then 1,5% of the estimated original habitat size. Unfavourable shaped, isolated habitats are characterised by degraded or even destroyed natural vegetation and most of them are smaller than 0.5 hectare. They are endangered by exotic plant invasions, shrub overgrowing and disturbations from neigbouring fields. The decrease of the groundwater levels is a presumable threatening factor. The prirority conservation measure is the restoration/rehabilitation of habitat patches containing the 95% of the individuals and connecting them by green corridors. The conservation of the whole population needs transboundary cooperation.


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