Setting priorities for mollusc species and their habitats in Hungary
We analysed the relation between distributions of mollusc species and the borders of the and areas. Responsibility of Hungary is the highest in global conservation of the species Bythiospeum oshanovae, B. hungaricum, Sadleriana pannonica, Theodoxus prevostianus and Kovacsia kovácsi, which are not adequately protected (except B. hungaricum). For the European Union, the protection of the viable populations of Helix lutescens is important. On national level, neither the species Gyraulus riparius, G. rossmaessleri and Faustina illyrica nor their habitats are protected. The responsibility of the Bükki, Duna-Ipoly and Fertő-Hanság NPDs are the highest for the protection of the whole mollusc fauna. Compared to this, the responsibility of the Körös-Maros NPD is low, although important species (K. kovácsi, H. lutescens, Drobacia banatica) live in its territory.
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