Effects of channel cleaning in the Szalajka Creek
In the Szalajka creek (Bükk Mnts) in 2002 spring we have examined the Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera and other aquatic invertebrate members of the fauna with a hand net which was similar to the size of Schwoerbel sampler.
The object of short term studies was the direct anthropogenic disturbance effect in the EPT and other aquatic macrofauna elements. We found that the characteristic of EPT fauna were transformed in short time and it was showed changes about the species and individual numbers. Among the mayflies, caddishflies and stoneflies disappeared the larvae of specialists suddenly appeared the generalists and it has took the empty habitat and filled in the niche. The examinations showed that the caddisflies tolerated better the disturbance than the mayflies and stoneflies. The other aquatic macrofauna elements have effect in the spatial distribution of EPT fauna. The changes was significant last years, however the population of the aquatic fauna was able to regenerate due to the natural drift.
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