Investigations of changes in species and individual numbers of ground beetle assemblages in dolomitic grasslands in Hungary (Coleoptera: Carabidae)
The carabid assemblages of dolomitic grasslands were investigated in the Transdanubian Mountains by pitfall trapping at 10 different sites between 1988 and 2004. A total of 2474 induviduals belonging to 65 species were collected from five localities.
Assemblages were of low species and individual members, although they did contain a number of rare species. These rare species were: Amara proximo Putzeys, 1866, A. sollicita Pantel, 1888, Cymindis axillaris (Fabricius, 1794), C. variolosa (Fabricius, 1794), Licinus cassideus (Fabricius, 1792), Masoreus wetterhallii (Gyllenhal, 1813). The most abundant species were: Calathus ambiguus (Paykull, 1790), C. cinctus Motschulsky, 1850, C. fitscipes (Goeze, 1777), Carabus hungaricus Fabricius, 1792, Harpalus anxius (Duftschmid, 1812), Zabrus spinipes (Fabricius, 1798).
The attachment of Calathus ambiguus to open dolomitic grassland was significant. The attachment to dolomitic steppe meadow was also significant for the following species: Harpalus anxius, H. subcylindricus Dejean, 1829 and H. roubali Schauberger, 1928. There was no difference in the attachment to to the two plant associations in case of the following dominant species: Calathus cinctus, C.fuscipes and Carabus hungaricus.
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