Orthoptera-assemblages of wet and mesophytic grasslands in the Ormánság (SW Hungary)

  • Máté Kisfali Department of Evolutionary Zoology and Human Biology, University of Debrecen
  • Antal Nagy Evolutionary Genetics and Conservation Biology Research Group, HAS-UD, Department of Plant Protection, University of Debrecen
Keywords: grasshoppers, fauna, southwest Hungary, land use, mowing, grazing


We studied the so far unknown Orthoptera fauna of the Ormánság (southwest Hungary) in 2004 and 2005. In mowed and grazed wet and mesophytic grasslands, which are the most common habitat types in this region, 22 Orthoptera species were collected with sweepnetting. The studied assemblages can be characterized by the high ratio of chortobiont species belong to Siberian faunal types. On the basis of vegetation structure and intensity of land use there are four habitat types. Species richness was highest in regularly mowed meadows. The intensity of land use has significant effect on species richness. Considering species richness of Orthoptera-assemblages regular mowing caused the least disturbance. The overgrazing was the most destructive among the studied types of land use.


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