Characterization of alkaline, sandy and loess grasslands on the basis of Orthoptera-assemblages

  • Antal Nagy Evolutionary Genetics and Conservation Biology Research Group, HAS-UD. Department of Plant Protection, University of Debrecen
  • István András Rácz Department of Evolutionary Zoology and Human Biology, University of Debrecen
Keywords: Orthoptera, assemblages, character species, life-forms


In the case of many grassland types the description and characterization of Orthoptera-assemblages resting on quantitative data has not been worked out by this time. In our study 57 quantitative Orthoptera samples of sandy, alkaline and loess grasslands were analyzed. During multivariate analysis six groups of habitat types could be divided. Habitats with typical (sandy alkaline and loess) vegetation had more symmetric character species than the disturbed or transitional habitats. Both distribution of faunal types and life forms showed significant differences between different assemblages (or habitat types). The character species of habitat types and different parameters of assemblages are suited to characterize different sites of sandy, alkaline and loess grasslands and monitoring of habitat changes.


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