Long-term changes in species composition of seven Hungarian rocky grassland communities

  • Katalin Szitár Loránd Eötvös University Department of Plant Taxonomy and Ecology
  • Katalin Török Institute of Ecology and Botany of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Keywords: re-sampling, phytosociology, degradation


Abstract: Long-term vegetation change of seven rocky grassland communities in Hungary were studied by comparing relevés recorded in the 1930-60s and re-investigated in 1991-94. Multivariate and statistical methods confirmed significant time changes in species composition of the examined communities. The main vegetation changes are represented by a decrease in frequency of rocky grassland specialists and generalists, an increase of short-lived plant species, and a decrease of species adapted to extreme water and nitrogen limitation. Presumed factors responsible for the observed changes are local (tourism and overpopulated wildlife) and larger scale factors (atmospheric nitrogen deposition). Despite the observed changes the communities conserved their characteristic species composition.


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