Long term changes in the composition and structure of an oak forest at Síkfőkút, North Hungary
A climazonal sessile oak-turkey oak forest (Quercetum petraeae-cerris) has been studied since the beginning of the 1970s in Hungary, in the framework of Síkfőkút Project ecological research established by the Botanical Department of Debrecen Kossuth L. University. The evenly aged, densely sprouted oak forest which was at that time 60 years old, has changed a lot since. Climatic changes proved by the long term meteorological data series of the research station rolled into one with the epidemic like oak deterioration of 1980s resulted in the alteration of species composition and structure. As we have reference data on the structure of the forest from 1973, wc could follow the changes with the resurveying data of 2004. both taken from the permanent one hectare area of the research station (devided into quarters A.B.C.D) where the trees have been tagged and their position fixed on maps. Individuals having larger then 10 cm dbh were considered to be new trees.
In this area in 1973, there were 690 Querem petraea and 126 Querem cerris and only one Carpimts betulus tree, accompanied medium-dense shrub layer and average herb layer. In 2004 the forest was more heterogeneous with respect to its species and age structure, with denser shrub layer and hardly any herbs below. During the 31 year period about 70% of Querem petraea individuals died (472 out of 690), but the mortality rate of the sub- Mediterranean Quercus cerris was only 16%. Instead of them other tree species grew up, constructing a new lower canopy layer. Among the new species Acer campestre became the dominant (with its 131 individuals) but 4 individuals each of Cerasus avium and Acer tataricum also increased the species diversity. Young oak species could not have competed with them because of the overpopulated acorn consuming wild boar population of the forest stand. Contrary to the „slow changes” conception of the middle age forests without direct human impact, our study presents a sample for quick, important changes over a relatively short period, answering to different environmental effects in Central Europe.
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