On the methodology of biodiversity science communication

  • Katalin Török Institute of Ecology and Botany of the Hungarian Acedemy of Sciences
Keywords: Berkenyeház, biodiversity loss, conflict resolution, ecosystem services, public perception, science communication


The importance of science communication and awareness raising in order to presenve biodiversity is undisputable. This paper summarizes the main results of literature search and consultations with Alter-net (FP6) project partners and suggests guidelines for the use by ecologists and nature conservation managers to design communication actions. The use of the results and methodology of behavioral and other social sciences has the potential to help transfer messages that engage people’s emotions and minds to conserve biodiversity on Earth. The use of the suggested methods is tested in a case study: the „Berkenyeház” exhibition of the Institute of Ecology and Botany at the Vácrátót Botanical Garden, Hungary.


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