Investigation of the success of invasive species’ eradication using spatial models

  • Éva Veronika Pestiné Rácz Széchenyi István University
Keywords: biological invasion, eradication strategies, invasive species, spatiotemporal model


Invading alien plant species can cause major environmental and economic losses all around the world. Transformer species are also present in areas which are important for nature conservation in Hungary as well, threatening unique ecosystems. Mathematical models provide reliable tools for planning actions and strategies to prevent and arrest invasions, eradication, and treatment. In this paper, different eradication strategies are compared using cellular automata models. Treatments starting at different stages of invasion with different duration and intensity are considered. Furthermore, effects on the colonization and mortality of the invasive species were investigated. Our results emphasize the importance of preventing, and point out that once an invasive plant species has established, its eradication is particularly difficult. An early campaign, starting shortly after establishment, can considerably diminish damages caused by the invasion. Abandoning the treatment at almost prefect eradication extremely increases the risk of losing most results of the management.


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