Distribution and factors influencing occurrence of otters on the catchment of Kapos River

  • József Lanszki Department of Nature Conservation, University of Kaposvár
Keywords: Lutra lutra, test survey, wetland, conservation plan, Hungary


The aim of the study was to test a new otter (Lutra lutra) survey method recommended by the IUCN/OSG, and supplemented with Hungarian experiences, on the catchment of the Kapos River. The survey was performed between December 2007 and May 2008. From the 110 locations otter presence was found on 96 localities. Otters inhabited 95.5% of surveyed locations along the Kapos River, all studied stagnant waters while it occurred rarely in smaller streams. Occurrence (provable) of otters was ebbing statistically along narrow (especially <1 m) water courses, in shallow (<30 cm) water, at bridge formed from pipe or bridge without shoulder (berm), increasing intensity of waste deposition and water pollution, and increasing summarized human disturbances. No significant differences were found among distribution of occurrences depending on the survey method (and lenght of the transect). By using similar survey methods a more accurate picture can be drawn concerning the status and population dynamics of otters and the factors affecting their occurrence in Hungary. Results may be utilized in the otter action plan and in the habitat management plans.


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