Distribution of the two Bombina species (Bombina bombina and B. variegata) in Hungary

  • Judit Vörös Hungarian Natural History Museum
Keywords: Bombina bombina, Bombina variegata, distribution, hybridization


The distributions of Bombina bombina and B. variegata in Hungary have not yet been summarised. My aim was to collect available data from the literature, museum databases and field collections and to illustrate the distribution of the two species on a 10x10 km UTM grid map. The results show that B. bombina, B. variegata and their hybrids were found in 570 UTM squares from the total of 1060, which data are covering the 53,8% of the country. Bombina bombina occurs on 51,8% and B. variegata on 7,3% of the country’s territory. The distribution of the two species were overlapping on the 6,75% of the country, and hybrid specimens were present on the 4% of the total distribution of the two species.
Bombina variegata has isolated populations in low elevation mountains of Hungary, surrounded by lowland populations of B. bombina. Where the ranges of the two species meet, they form hybrid zones. The isolated B. variegata populations are discussed by regions.


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