The structure changes of shrub layer in the Síkfőkút forest between 2002 and 2007. Number of individuals and sizes.
The structure of an Quercetum petraeae-cerris oak forest ecosystem within the Síkfőkút research area (–Síkfőkút Project–) was examined already 35 years ago. The changes after the decline of sessile oak can be identified. The dominance of meso- and thermofil shrub species increased. The most important structural parameters of shrub layer in an „A” quadrat (48×48 m) of the oak-forest were measured with a 3 m long yardstick and the diameter of shrub trunks were measured at 5 cm height above the soil with a slide gauge. Sixteen and seventeen species were registered in the sample area in both measuring in 2002 and in 2007. The number of shrub individuals were 23874 pieces and 44018 pieces per hectar, more than 83.5% and 93.6% lived in the low shrub layer and occured only 16.5% and 6.4% in the high shrub layer. Euonymus verrucosus dominated in the low shrub layer by more then 50.0% in both measuring. The two most frequently occuring high shrubs were Acer campestre and Euonymus verrucosus. The shrubs grew bigger and bigger (the procession is taking at the moment) but the rate of the high shrubs were decreasing as the latest measurement proved.
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