Discovering conflicts in the Alpár-wetland through an ecosystem services assessment project

  • Eszter Kelemen Szent István University, Institute of Environmental and Landscape Management, Department of Environmental Economics, Environmental Social Science Research Group
  • György Málovics University of Szeged, Institute of Economic Development
  • Katalin Margóczi University of Szeged, Department of Ecology
Keywords: Ecosystem services, environmental conflicts, interview, non-monetary valuation


Every human decision affects the natural environment; thus in a very simplistic way, taking a decision means comparing the perceived values of nature with the perceived values of fulfilling some of our needs. The concept of ecosystem services helps us to better understand the values people attach to nature through conceptualizing the possible ways of benefitting from the ecosystem. The research project presented in this paper applied qualitative methods to explore and assess the most important ecosystem services to local beneficiaries living in a wetland area along the river Tisza, Central Hungary. Empirical data suggest that trade-offs between ecosystem services triggered by a still ongoing ecological restoration project resulted in interest-based conflicts among the stakeholders. Furthermore, since the decision making process excluded the values and interests of local people, relationship and information conflicts also arose and the legitimacy of the whole restoration project was questioned.


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