The effects of sowing grass seeds on the abundance of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) in a young abandoned field near Tiszaalpár, Hungary
Sowing low-diversity seed mixture is a frequently used technique in grassland restoration to enhance the succession and to suppress weeds. Seed mixtures often contain strongly competitive non-native species. Our experiment was conducted on a recently abandoned field near Tiszaalpár, which is surrounded by sand and loess-steppes. We compared the effects of sowing the non-native perennial rye grass (Lolium perenne L.), and the site-specific grass Festuca pseudovina on the control of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemissifolia L.), a short-lived invasive weed occurring in high abundance in Hungary shortly after land-abandonment. Extensive land use was continued during the experiment as well. We found that the sown grasses can successfully control common ragweed after the first two years of abandonment, after the third year ragweed cover declined to negligible on the whole site. The diversity of areas treated with Festuca pseudovina was much higher than that of those treated with rye grass. Therefore we recommend applying site-specific species in grassland restoration, besides maintaining the traditional extensive land use practices.
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