The role of mosaic grasslands in agricultural systems for preserving feeding sites of Rollers (Coracias garrulus)

  • Orsolya Kiss SZTE Department of Ecology
  • Orsolya Felde SZTE Department of Ecology
  • Csaba Moskát Animal Ecology Research Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Keywords: food availability, reproductive success, artificial nest-boxes


Decline in populations of farmland and grassland birds has been attributed to the recent changes of agricultural practice in Europe. These changes may affect the availability and quality of food resources. The usage of traditional grassland farming methods and conservation of the remains of natural grasslands may contribute to the preservation of feeding sites of insectivorous bird species. In this study we compared abundance and seasonal trends of food supply and breeding parameters of Roller (Coracias garrulus) in mosaic grasslands and an extensive, natural grassland. During the nestling period, the combination of pitfall traps and sweep-net sampling was used to estimate arthropod abundance in the study plots. We checked nest-boxes of rollers weekly to determine breeding parameters. Frequency of Orthopteras collected by sweep-netting had significant effect on hatching, fledging and reproductive success. The total amount of Orthoptera’s dry biomass collected by sweep-netting was higher in the extensive natural grassland, but sampling dates had no effect. The seasonal changes in food supply were similar in both of the habitats and declined during the nestling period. However, arthropods’ dry biomass, collected by pitfall traps, did not differ in the two sites. Clutch size, number of hatchlings and fledglings, and reproductive success did not differ significantly between the two habitats. Our results supported the idea that mosaic grasslands in agricultural systems can serve as food reservoirs for insectivorous birds.


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