Ex-situ conservation of Vicia biennis
Vicia biennis is one of the most endangered plant species in Hungary. It has small and isolated populations and there is growing human-caused disturbance in its habitat. Furthermore, there is a lack of information about the species, which makes its protection more difficult. In spite of the populations being protected, they are drastically decreasing in Hungary, therefore it has became necessary to intervene. The aims of this study were: to develop an ex-situ conservation method and to stabilize a population near Tiszaderzs. In germination experiments we found physical dormancy: while only 1% of the control seeds germinated, germination capability of the scarified, drenched seeds was 68–97%. We have successfully established an ex-situ population in which 88% of the seedlings survived till the flowering season yielding 5447 pods with more than 18000 seeds. Reintroduction to the natural habitat by seeds was unsuccessful, however, by planting we could temporarily increase the number of individuals. In the in-situ population we found a sharp decrease in size from 2009 to 2010: in 2009 in-situ population consisted of 20–30 stems but in 2010 we found only 3 stems and other 7 ones grew where we planted in 2009. This shows that the population is still not stabile and further research is required to develop a more effective conservation strategy.
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