Grassland recovery on soil-filled drainage channels in the Hortobágy National Park

  • Orsolya Valkó University of Debrecen, Department of Ecology
  • Katalin Tóth University of Debrecen, Department of Ecology
  • Balázs Deák MTA-DE Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Research Group
Keywords: alkaline grassland, Festuca, fragmentation, grassland restoration, grazing, spontaneous succession


Elimination of drainage channels offers a viable solution for increasing landscape connectivity and eliminating landscape scars. We studied the spontaneous vegetation recovery of alkaline grasslands on 1-year-old and 6-year-old soil-filled drainage channels in the Hortobágy National Park. We asked the following questions. (i) How fast is the increase of Festuca pseudovina cover after soil-filling  of the channels? (ii) How fast is the decrease of short-lived weed cover after soil-filling of the channels? (iii) How fast is the recovery of alkaline grasslands after soil-filling of the channels? We found that in the vegetation of the 6-year-old filled channels, Festuca pseudovina was present with high cover scores, similar to figures detected in studies where the species was sown in grassland restoration
projects. We detected a very low cover of short-lived weeds (0.3-2.7%) in the vegetation of the 6-year-old filled channels. We found that grassland recovery on filled channels was fast, since their low surface-perimeter ratio likely supported the immigration of target species from the adjacent natural grasslands. Our findings suggest that for the restoration of such narrow landscape scars, where propagule input of target species is warranted from the adjacent natural grasslands, spontaneous grassland recovery can be a feasible and cost-effective restoration option.


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