The impact of habitat improvement and predator control on the population dynamics of European brown hare (Lepus europaeus)

  • Nikolett Ujhegyi Szent István University, Institute for Wildlife Conservation
  • Zsolt Biró Szent István University, Institute for Wildlife Conservation
  • László Patkó Szent István University, Institute for Wildlife Conservation
  • Norbert Keller Szent István University, Institute for Wildlife Conservation
  • László Szemethy Szent István University, Institute for Wildlife Conservation
Keywords: eastern imperial eagle, small game species, spotlight population estimation, trapping, AEP


Since the 70s brown hare population shows a decreasing tendency both in Europe and Hungary. The two most commonly mentioned cause for the decrease is habitat loss and the lack of sufficient predator management. We have studied the effect of predator culling at Jászság, Hungary in a 1662 ha study area . We hypothesised that intensified predator control can lead to higher hare densities. Our study area was divided into two sites (intensively culled and control). In autumn 2012, we have carried out population estimation on both sites, which showed no difference in hare densities. In the following years we have compared culled site to control one. We have also investigated hare densities on both areas in the light of AKG schemes (Agri Environmental Parcells) to exclude potential beneficial effects of habitat management. We could not find any differences in the AKG coverage of the sites, thus we think detected difference in hare densities was a result of predator culling. Significantly more hares were estimated in the culled then in the control area in autumn 2013. Also, more hares were seen in the area with intensive predator culling, then in control area (autumn 2013). However, in spring 2014 predator culling did not seem to affect hare densities, comparing to 2013 results. Moreover, in the control area significantly more hares were seen then in culled areas. This positive effect was probably caused by a different crop structure on the control area.


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