Preliminary results about analysis of decomposition efficiency in different quality of urban soils (GLUSEEN, Budapest)
The pilot study of Global Urban Soil Ecology and Education Network (GLUSEEN) occurs in 5 cities in 4 countries on a global scale including Hungary (Budapest) as well. The main objective of the research is to test the ’convergence hypothesis’ through decomposition efficiency of soil organic matter in different quality and degree of disturbance of urban soils. The goal is to establish suitable and simple, inexpensive methods for citizen science and for scientific researches. During our study 4 habitat types (in 5 replicates) were set out in each city: ruderal, turf, remnant and reference. Soil organic matter decomposition rate was determined by tea bag method. Tea bags were placed in study fields in 2013 and were retrieved after 4, 6, 10, 12 months. According to our results of ANOVA, there was a significant difference between habitat types in decomposition rates from the 6th month (F=11.238, p<0.0001) which were the highest in case of turfs and ruderals.This corresponds to the results of the other cities involved and proves the convergence hypothesis: soil pH and organic matter content under different
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