The thickest trees of Fejér County

  • Márton Takács Szent István University, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Institute of Environment and Landscape Management, Departure of Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology
  • Zoltán Mravcsik Szent István University, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Institute of Environment and Landscape Management, Departure of Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology
  • Ákos Malatinszky Szent István University, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Institute of Environment and Landscape Management, Departure of Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology
Keywords: dendrometry, nature conservation, veteran trees, trunk perimeter, Fejér County


Our aim was the measurement of the largest trees in Fejér County (Transdanubia, Hungary), by using the database of Pósfai. The dendrometrical data, the habitat or surrounding area and other descriptive attributes were registered for every tree. Our results give new evidences to the database of Pósfai, and even amend it, e.g. in case of some species (Celtis occidentalis, Taxodium distichum) the greatest Hungarian specimen are in this county. The greatest trees (both for the category of onetrunked and several-trunked trees) are Black poplars (Populus nigra, Adony, Előszállás and Gyúró villages). Some of the studied trees are under nature protection, however, even some of these have perished in the recent years (in settlements Seregélyes, Fehérvárcsurgó and Székesfehérvár etc.).


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