Seed collecting and storing results and preliminary seed viability results and methods of Pannon Seed Bank project (2010–2014)

  • Erzsébet Peti Centre for Plant Diversity
  • Gábor Málnási Csizmadia Centre for Plant Diversity
  • Imre Oláh Centre for Plant Diversity
  • Judit Schellenberger Centre for Plant Diversity
  • Katalin Török CER HAS Institute of Ecology and Botany
  • Krisztián Halász CER HAS Institute of Ecology and Botany
  • Borbála Baktay Centre for Plant Diversity
Keywords: Centre for Plant Diversity, Institute of Ecology and Botany, Aggtelek National Park, Pannon Seed Bank, genebank, ex situ conservation, seed collecting, germination


The main goals of five years long (2010-2014) Pannon Seed Bank LIFE+ project are collecting and long-term ex situ conservation of 800 wild vascular native plant species of Pannon Biogeographical Region which are suitable for storing. In order to the implementation of the project following aims were targeted until 31 December 2014: (1) collecting and storing of seeds of at least 800 wild vascular native plant species which are suitable for storing (orthodox) in genebank circumstances, (2) testing seed viability of accessions, (3) testing the effects of short-term storing on viability of seeds in the frame of a reintroduction experiment. Current study is reported about (1) and (2) objectives. During the project totally 1853 accessions of 910 plant species were collected and stored, including 364 accessions of 204 protected species and 76 accessions of 45 strictly protected species. According to genebank standards accessions are stored active storage cabinets operated on 0 °C and base collections are stored -20 °C. Germination tests provided data about the applicability of germination methods of some plant species under native ecological circumstances.


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