Different demography and habitat use in sympatric populations of Maculinea teleius and Maculinea nausithous

  • Adrienn Patalenszki University of Debrecen, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management
  • Ádám Kőrösi MTA–ELTE–MTM Ecology Research Group
  • András Ambrus Fertő-Hanság National Park Directorate
  • Sándor Csősz MTA–ELTE–MTM Ecology Research Group
  • Ágnes Szindekovics University of Panonnia, Georgikon Faculty
Keywords: microhabitat use, MRR, Myrmica, Phengaris, spatial distribution, sympatric population


Maculinea butterflies are among the most threatened and intensively studied insects in Europe. We investigated habitat use and demography in sympatric populations of Maculinea teleius and M. nausithous for three years (2012–2014) in a wet meadow at Hidegség. The two species have similar ecological requirements, but their within-site microdistribution is often different, which is supposedly due to the different microhabitat preferences and distribution of their putative host ants. We aimed to test this hypothesis and to reveal demographic characteristics of the populations. Positive correlation was found between the number of M. nausithous butterflies and the frequency of its putative primary host Myrmica rubra. Frequency of potential host ants had a positive effect on M. teleius at only high host plant density. Demographic parameters showed some differences between species, but also between years and sexes. Population size of M. teleius was ~four times higher than that of M. nausithous and size of both populations fluctuated between years.


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