Toxic element content in isopods along an urbanization gradient
The aim of our study was to analyse the toxic element contents in isopods (Armadillidium vulgare) along an urbanization gradient in and around Debrecen city. Isopods were collected from three forested area: urban forested park, suburban forest, and rural forest. The following toxic elements were analysed: Ba, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn. The results of canonical discriminant analysis demonstrated that studied areas were separated from each other based on toxic element contents of isopods. There was overlap in the cases of urban and suburban, and suburban and rural areas. There were significant differences among areas based on toxic element contents of isopods by ANOVA in the case of Ba and Cu concentration. Significantly higher Cu concentration was found in the urban than in the suburban and rural area. The Ba concentration was the highest in the rural. Our study demonstrated that the Ba concentration was higher in the females, than in the males. In summary, we demonstrated that isopods are suitable bioindicator organisms to assess the effect of urbanization on the terrestrial ecosystem, and the sexes cause differences in the accumulation of toxic elements.
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