Response of rove beetles to urbanization in a forested area of East-Hungary

  • Dávid Nagy D. MTA-DE Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Research Group
  • Szabolcs Mizser MTA-DE Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Research Group
Keywords: disturbance, diversity, GlobeNet, microhabitat, substrate material, staphylinid, habitat specialist species


We investigated the effect of urbanization on staphylinid assemblages in Debrecen and the surrounding forested areas. A rural oak forest, a moderately disturbed suburban area and a forested urban park were studied. We tested the increasing disturbance hypothesis, the habitat specialist hypothesis, the hygrophilous species hypothesis, the thermophilous species hypothesis, the phytodetriticol species hypothesis, the saprophilous species hypothesis, the myrmecophylous species hypothesis and the mycetophilous species hypothesis. Our results showed that the overall species richness decreased from the rural forest toward the urban park. The number of forest specialist species was significantly higher in the rural forest and suburban area than in the urban park. The number of thermophilous species was significantly higher in the urban park than in the suburban and rural habitats, while the number of hygrophilous species increased from the urban park to the rural forest. The number of substrate dependent and habitat specialist species (saprophilous species, phytodetriticol species, myrmecophilous species, mycetophilous species) were significantly higher in the rural forest than in the urban one. Our results supported that the urbanization had drastic effects mainly on the special substrate and microhabitat dependent staphylinid species.


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