Ex-situ conservation of Comarum palustre in Hungary

  • János Dudás Szent István University, Institute of Botany and Ecophysiology
  • Anett Endrédi Szent István University, Institute of Botany and Ecophysiology
  • Anikó Veres Szent István University, Institute of Genetics and Biotechnology
  • János Nagy Szent István University, Institute of Botany and Ecophysiology
Keywords: ex-situ conservation, Rosaceae, propagation, vulnerable, Őrség, Szőce


The main aim of our research was to propagate marsh cinquefoil (Comarum palustre L.), a highly protected species, whose populations have declined considerably in Hungary. Based on our visit at the habitat (Szőce), literature data and our coenological recording, the species can be found on a disadvantageous, approx. 15 m2 area, heavily overgrown with invasive and other competitive species. Propagation experiments were made with cuttings from four rooted and one unrooted stems collected from Szőce, as well as with muds and leaved stemunits collected from plants at SZIE Botanical garden for micropropagation in 2014. From the collected units, we made 18 pieces of cuttings with two buds. They were treated with INCIT-5 powder and placed in a rooting medium. From the initial 18 cuttings, 6 (33,3%) were successfully planted out: All of the four rooted stem units (100%) and two out of the five apical stem units (40%). The cuttings made from the middle stem units were perished. Micropropagation was tested on MS medium with various sterilization procedures. Four from the used 24 muds started to grow, but all were perished due to infection. None of the leaved stem units started to grow. The species can easily be propagated by cuttings, although micropropagation has been unsuccessful, the problem of mud sterilization has to be solved. In our opinion, a successful in-situ conservation and reintroduction require habitat restoration; creation and maintenance of open-watered, less competitive ponds.


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