Nature conservation and forest management of the Great Bugac Forest
In the spring of 2012 the Great Bugac forest unfortunately burned down. The fire affected over 306 hectares of endangered habitat [such as 91N0 Pannonic inland sand thicket (Junipero-Popletum albea) and 6260 Pannonic sand steppes (Festucetum vaginatae)]. The juniper habitats have been fully destroyed. In our investigation we performed a detailed survey of the forest habitats for the sake of further tasks of nature conservation. We used GPS survey for demarcation of the burned habitats by record biological data, plan forest renewals and soil profiling. Then we built a GIS database using these data which helped us to clarify the spatial location of the planned shapes and formations in the damaged area (such as forest clearings, barren plains, open forests, logging areas and forest restoration parts). In our work we redesigned the bigger contiguous areas (total of 102 hectares) trough forest plan amendment; based on nature conservation grounds. Such as endangered habitat, endangered and specially protected plants and species, not endangered but protected plants and several soil profilings.
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