Who’s to say what’s important? – Participation and conservation

  • Barbara Mihók MTA ÖK, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Botany and Ecology; Community-based Research for Sustainability Association
  • Gabriella Kiss Corvinus University of Budapest
  • Eszter Kovács Szent István University, Institute of Nature Conservation and Landscape Management; Environmental Social Science Research Group (ESSRG)
  • Katalin Margóczi Department of Ecology, University of Szeged; Community-based Research for Sustainability Association
  • Veronika Fabók Szent István University, Environmental Sciences Doctoral School; Environmental Social Science Research Group (ESSRG)
  • Ágnes Kalóczkai MTA ÖK, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Botany and Ecology; Environmental Social Science Research Group (ESSRG); Szent István University, Environmental Sciences Doctoral School
Keywords: stakeholder engagement, social science, conservation paradigm


Involvement of different stakeholders in nature conservation is becoming more important as a consequence of paradigm shift in conservation taken place in recent decades. The concept and methods of social engagement and participation are, however, still not widely known and recognized within the conservation community. One reason for this is that conservation professionals usually do not have a frequent encounter with the social science approach and knowledge system during their education or day-to-day work. In this paper we discuss the definition, criteria and importance of participation in conservation by providing an insight into social science approaches and highlighting the paradigm shift in ecology. Hungarian case studies are cited illustrating that participation enriches and diversifies the community’s knowledge, values and perspectives, resulting in better decisions and increased acceptance of the decisions. Increased awareness and knowledge of participation theory and methods therefore enhances the success of conservation in the long run and is strategically important to support conservation professionals with the accessible knowledge and tools provided by social science.


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