Evaluation of participatory processes of Natura 2000 management planning

  • Eszter Kovács Szent István University, Institute of Nature Conservation and Landscape Management; Environmental Social Science Research Group (ESSRG)
  • Gabriella Kiss Corvinus University of Budapest
  • Eszter Kelemen Szent István University, Institute of Nature Conservation and Landscape Management; Environmental Social Science Research Group (ESSRG)
  • Veronika Fabók Szent István University, Environmental Sciences Doctoral School; Environmental Social Science Research Group (ESSRG)
  • Ágnes Kalóczkai Institute of Ecology and Botany, Centre for Ecological Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences; Szent István University, Environmental Sciences Doctoral School; Environmental Social Science Research Group (ESSRG)
  • Barbara Mihók Institute of Ecology and Botany, Centre for Ecological Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences; Akciókutatók a Fenntarthatóságért Egyesület (AKUT)
  • György Pataki Corvinus University of Budapest; Environmental Social Science Research Group (ESSRG)
  • Bálint Balázs Szent István University, Institute of Nature Conservation and Landscape Management; Environmental Social Science Research Group (ESSRG)
  • Györgyi Bela Szent István University, Institute of Nature Conservation and Landscape Management; Environmental Social Science Research Group (ESSRG)
  • Boldizsár Megyesi Institute for Sociology, Centre for Social Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
  • Katalin Margóczi Department of Ecology, University of Szeged; Akciókutatók a Fenntarthatóságért Egyesület (AKUT)
Keywords: participatory planning, Natura 2000 network, management plans


The institutionalisation of public participation is still in its infancy in Hungary. Nevertheless, stakeholder involvement in the preparation of Natura 2000 management plans has become widespread. Valuation of these processes can be useful for planners, teams managing participatory processes and conservation decision-makers as well. In this paper 23 participatory planning processes are evaluated based on criteria derived from the international literature on participation and tailored to participatory management planning of Natura 2000 sites. Our analysis shows that the examined processes only partly meet the required criteria and about the conservation outcome of the processes no sufficient information is available. The strength of the examined processes is the skilled and independent participatory team with social science background. Our findings also show that a supporting policy is crucial for the success of management planning and related participatory processes as well.


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Social Sciences in Conservation