The complex impact of the plastic pollution in the seas and the oceans – part 2: Possible solutions

  • István Gubek Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Humanecology MA
Keywords: seas, oceans, plastics, environmental pollution, sustainability, regulation, education, material cycles


The plastic pollution of seas and oceans is a more and more important search field in the recently years. It’s a similar global environmental problem like climate change or the losses of biodiversity nevertheless the publicity has much less information about it because this is a brand new area and it has not got a Hungarian literature yet. This is the first comprehensive article which was made by the detailed study of the international literature. In the first part I examined the complex impacts of plastics in the marine environment based on physical, chemical, biological, ecological, economical and social aspects. Now in the second, ending part, I expound the already exist possible solutions.


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