The effect of grassland management on abundance of Nemesia pannonica (Herman, 1879) in the Southern Mátra

  • Tünde Szmatona-Túri FM ASzK-Forestry, Agricultural and Game Management Secondary School of Mátra
  • Diána Vona-Túri Eötvös József Reformed Education Centre
  • Gábor Magos Bükk National Park Directorate
Keywords: mowing, shrub control, abundance, females


Our investigation targeted the analysis of the occurences of the protected submediterranean Nemesia pannonica (Herman, 1879) from the Mátra. Moreover the effect of mowing and shrub control on the abundance of the species was examined. The sampling resulted 216 individuals of N. pannonica. Besides males there were females with eggs in the traps. Our research in contrast with previous data prove that the females leave their shaft sometimes. Both grassland management methods have positive effect on abundance of the species therefore one way of the protection of N. pannonica is the maintenance and restoration of the habitats.


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